You may well be bombarded with offers of part time work—most local schools are alright but some are better than others (ask staff who have been around a few years for advice). Notify the Office of International Cooperation & Exchange if you accept any offers (the university is strongly against taking outside jobs but might tolerant as long as the university’s interest is always put first). The deal should include a price per class or hour plus transportation to and from the workplace. Make them make an offer first and then state your expectations. Sometimes you are asked to “help” people with a translation—be wary. Sometimes they expect free help and then they will get paid for your work. Don’t stretch yourself too thin especially in the beginning. Don’t be afraid to say “Sorry but no.”
Many people on campus would like tutoring for their children—it is good PR to accept and it’s very convenient. You set the terms to suit you.
DO NOT sign any contract or written agreement for outside work as this puts you in an illegal situation.
Make sure that any part-time work that you take on DOES NOT interfere with your work at the University.