Around China
They are frequent flights anywhere from Guangzhou Airport. To find out the best deals have a look on
Neighbouring Countries
While you’re here you might aswell travel to other countries that are nearby most trips are an average of 3 hours travel.
Japan – Frequent flights from Guangzhou Airport fly to either Osaka, Tokyo and other major cities. If you’re planning to travel around Japan. Try purchasing a Japan Rail Pass before you go. You can do this at a local travel agent company. This will give you unlimited access to train/bus/boat rides all over the country and subways as long it is JP company. Flying will take around 3hours.
For more info check out their website for all the latest news and prices
Singapore/Malaysia— Singapore is small you could do Singapore in a day. It would be a good idea to continue you’re travelling into Malaysia to visit Kuala Lumpur the capital of the Country another place is Melaka a great tourist spot with much culture and many things to do. Their public transport are trek motorbikes and each one has a different style and music playing outside their bass amp.
There are often good deals to Thailand and other neighbouring countries advertised. Getting tickets is simple. China Travel near Dynasty Hotel. They give up to 60% discount, most flights work out at about 750 RMB = Up.